Its no secret that a lot of people are struggling right now - mentally, physically and financialy. It's a stressful anxiety ridden time, especially when you were living paycheck to paycheck before all of these social distancing rules were enforced. If you're adjusting to working from home or you've been layed off recently and need to find a paycheck ASAP I hope a few of these tips help. I decided if this post helps just one person it was so worth it!

A few ways to make some extra cash during these weird times

  1. Uber, Uber Eats, Doordash, SHIPT, etc. ( i've personally drove with Uber Eats and I loved it! Plus you get to cash out every night.
  2. Use your skills! Turn your skills into cash in markets where people are still spending money. Register on websites like,
  3. Childcare! Theres a lot of essential employees out there who need childcare or even eldercare. Check out
  4. Go through your house. Things you dont need sell! Check out ebay, craigslist, even facebook marketplace.
  5. Did you know you can rent your car? Me either but you can! Check out
  6. Grocery stores. Just about all of the local grocery stores are hiring walk-ins right now
  7. Join a direct sales company. Yeah I said it! If I can do it you sure as hell can.

Heres Forbes top ways to make money right now

  1. Sell your photos! Stock photo websites can be a profitable thing.
  2. Create some How-To videos. People love tutorials.
  3. Become a copywriter. (I've got nothing for you on this one)
  4. Teach english
  5. Podcasting! Everyone has one.
  6. Build websites!
  7. Become a translator
  8. Try drop-shipping (the ultimate guide to dropshipping)
  9. Tutor
  10. Become a Freelance Proofreader
  11. Type for cash. Become a transcriptionist.
  12. Create a blog.

Check out the rest here...

A few ways to save that money

  1. Check all of your accounts, especially your itunes subscriptions. Cancel anything that you can go without for the time being.
  2. Sign up for Chime! They automatically round up your transfers and puts it into your savings. Use my code and we'll both earn $50 after your first direct deposit.
  3. Call your phone carrier + your insurance provider. Some phone carrieres are paying their clients bills this month and a lot of insurance companies are giving refunds!
  4. Sell your old clothes on or even on your facebook!

I know your stessed and worried. I feel it. I'm here. Do I think joing a direct sales company like MONAT is the best possible thing you could do in a time like this? Abso-freakin-lutely 1000% Does everyone else agree with me? No of course not so I hope some of these tips help.

Heres a few more tips from nerdwallet on how to make some extra cash right now!

xoxo casey